ISSN: 2249-6793

  • SJIF Impact Factor: 2022: 6.017
  • Google Scholar



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International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences (IJUPLS) prefers online process to submit paper. You can either submit paper here or send an email attaching your manuscript to:

International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences (IJUPLS) values your time. The author (s) can expect to get the review report within approximately 3 to 5 Days after submitting the manuscript.

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When the respected reviewers of International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences (IJUPLS) complete the review of the manuscript, you will be notified through a mail whether the journal is accepted/rejected or need minor/major revision.

No, IJUPLS does not allow any author to make amendments in the manuscript after publication.

When the manuscript is accepted for publication, author(s) needs to pay 60 USD as online publication fee in order to defray the maintenance costs. Author(s) can also order for printed copies. Author(s) needs to pay additional 150 USD for each printed copy.

The author will receive a confirmation e-mail after accepting your manuscript for publication.

After completing all the procedures, the author will be notified by sending a copy (PDF or MS-Word) of the reviewed manuscript before the final publication.

Yes, IJUPLS will send the PDF copy of the final publication. Author can also download the published manuscript directly from the archive of IJUPLS.

International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences (IJUPLS) publishes Bi-monthly issue volume.

Yes, IJUPLS can provide hard copy of the entire issue with your published paper. To know the procedure of getting hard copy, click here.