ISSN: 2249-6793
ijupls.editor@gmail.comInternational Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences (IJUPLS) is a leading publication dedicated to the dissemination of innovative research in the field of pharmacy and life sciences. Our goal is to provide a platform for researchers, scientists, and practitioners to share their findings and contribute to the advancement of these disciplines.
Strict Plagiarism Policy
Double Blind Peer reviewed Journal
Open access Journal
Reputed Editorial Board
Fully Archived Journal
High Visibility & Indexing
High Impact Factor Journal
Fast Publication
The journal's objective is to be a scholarly, bi-monthly, fully refereed, double blind, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary publication with an emphasis on theories, techniques, and applications in life sciences and universal pharmacy. It publishes peer-reviewed original research articles and technical notes and covers all aspects of universal pharmacy, biological sciences, engineering, and technology. All submissions must include unique, never-before-seen experimental or theoretical research findings. They will all undergo double blind peer evaluation. These requirements must be met by articles submitted to the journal, and they cannot be currently being considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts are subject to editing and review in addition to adhering to the journal's style. To provide a venue for disseminating findings and research with a significant empirical component, to build a
Volume.15, Issue.1 (February-2025)
Last Date of Manuscript submission: 28/02/2025
Submit ManuscriptBiological Sciences, •Biochemistry, •Genetics, •Environmental Science, •Immunology and Microbiology, •Cellular Microbiology, •Environmental Microbiology, •Medical Microbiology, •Industrial Microbiology, •Soil and Agricultural, •Microbial Genetics, •Microbial Ecology, •Vermitechnology, •Medicinal Plants, •Biotechnology, •Pharmacology Science, •Botany, •Cellbiology, •Conservation biology, •Developmental biology, •Ecology, •Evolutionary biology, •Evolutionary genetics, •Food science, •Genetics, •Genomics, •Immunology, •Marine biology, •Molecular biology, •Parasitology, •Pathology, •Pharmacogenomics, •Pharmacology, •Physiology, •Population dynamics, •Proteomics, •Structural biology, •Systems biology, •Zoology.
Computer Science and Engineering, •Electrical Engineering, •Civil Engineering, •Infrastructure Engineering, •Electronics & Communication Engineering, •Industrial Engineering, •Mechanical Engineering, •Manufacturing Engineering, •Graphics and Multimedia, •Software Engineering, •Biological Engineering, •Chemical Engineering, •Agricultural engineering, •Remote sensing and information system.
Medicine and Dentistry •Nursing and Health Professions •Pharmaceutical Science •Nutrition and Metabolism •Cancer Research and Experimental Oncology •Clinical Pathology and Forensic Medicine •Diabetes and Endocrinology •Infectious Diseases and Immunity •Medical Laboratory and Diagnosis •Neuroscience and Behavioral Health •Public Health and Epidemiology •Medical Case Studies •Medical Practice and Reviews
Arts and Humanities, •Business Management, •Management Accounting, •Decision, •Economics, •Econometrics, •Finance, Anthropology, •Communication studies, •Human geography, •History, •Political science, •Public administration, •Psychology, •Sociology, •Geography and Regional Planning, •Hospitality Management and Tourism, •Sociology and Anthropology, •Public Administration and Policy Research, •Social Psychology, •Social Sciences by publishing original research work, short communications and review articles.
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Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the instructions given in the authors' guidelines. Manuscripts which do not conform to the format and style of the Journal may be returned to the authors for revision or rejected. The Journal reserves the right to make any further formal changes and language corrections necessary in a manuscript accepted for publication so that it conforms to the formatting requirements of the Journal.
IJUPLS is a Group of International journal of universal pharmacy and life sciences (IJUPLS) is published as Bimonthly journal with 06 issues per year. Special editions are also planned subjected to the scope and need. Currently ijaetis is also publishing peer reviewed papers of International and National level conferences conducted by various research and Academic Institutions.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
We offer a range of services to support the pharmacy and life sciences community. From publishing cutting-edge research papers to organizing conferences and workshops, we strive to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Our journal publishes original research articles, review papers, and case studies covering various aspects of pharmacy and life sciences. We ensure rigorous peer-review and high-quality standards.
We organize conferences and workshops that bring together experts from academia and industry to discuss the latest trends and challenges in pharmacy and life sciences.
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